The City of Reno, in partnership with the Washoe County School District, invites media to Huffaker Elementary School on Friday, October 21, 2022 at 8:30 a.m. for a reveal of local Girl Scout Troop 1019’s latest installation of the “Be Safe Be Seen” banner, flag and sidewalk art pedestrian safety projec
In 2018, Reno City Council supported a public safety initiative brought forth by Reno City Councilmember Naomi Duerr, when it approved a donation to the Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada to offset costs associated with Troop 1019’s special project. The project is designed to increase pedestrian awareness and safety near schools.
Project partners initially rolled out the safety program at Anderson Elementary School in March 2020. Thursday will be a chance for the media and public to see the work that’s been completed at a different location: Huffaker Elementary School in Ward 2.
New eye-catching artwork has been placed on sidewalks to grab walkers' attention, and banners have been hung to alert drivers to the school zones near Huffaker Elementary School. Additionally, pedestrian crossing flag holders and flags have been installed for use by pedestrians and students crossing the intersections.
“This was an important community effort, led by Priyasha Landry, who is a visionary and determined young woman,” Duerr said. “Pedestrian safety is a top priority for our City Council, and we’re excited that this project is getting more recognition at another one of our schools in south Reno.”
Landry and Troop 1019 have worked with the Reno Police Department and various City departments over the years to help improve school safety.
Local artist Nathanial Benjamin also collaborated on this pedestrian awareness and safety campaign by painting the sidewalk art. He has expanded his initial printmaking practice to include hand-printed apparel and mural painting.
Original source can be found here.